© Shutterstock / RAJU SONI / WWF
What We Do
Protecting tigers is more than just increasing their numbers in the wild.

They are the biggest cats on our planet and need large interconnected habitats, with access to water and prey. In addition to securing such landscapes we need to tackle poaching on the ground and the broader issue of illegal wildlife trade to ensure tigers don't disappear before their habitats do.

We work with governments, partner organisations, and local people across the most important landscapes globally for tiger conservation. Through a comprehensive approach, we can tackle threats from within and outside of landscapes, and ensure gains towards the goal of doubling wild tiger numbers by 2022 are for the long-term.


Where we work


© Jeff Goldberg


Tigers need safe places that provide for their needs as a top ecosystem predator. From decades of experience and knowledge, WWF and partners have developed the Conservation Assured Tiger Standards based on best practices that tiger populations will need to thrive and recover.

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© Simon de TREY-WHITE / WWF-UK


Millions of people live and earn their livelihoods within tiger landscapes. They are our eyes and ears in the forests. As partners we engage with communities to create a viable future for nature and people. 

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© Chris Shepherd / TRAFFIC


The illegal wildlife trade is a direct threat to tigers and species living in tiger habitat. The poaching and consumption of wildlife is devastating wildlife populations and emptying forests of their flora and fauna. WWF works with TRAFFIC, the global wildlife trade monitoring network, and other partners, to disrupt illegal trade routes, reduce demand for tiger parts, and phase out the farming of tigers, which feeds this growing threat. 

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© Ranjan Ramchandani


Tigers depend on well-managed Protected Areas in which they are protected from poaching. WWF supports law enforcement rangers in all our tiger landscapes to prevent the poaching of tiger and tiger prey. 

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© Alex McLennan / WWF-US


Wild tigers are found only in Asia where there are more people than anywhere else on Earth. We are pioneering the SAFE Systems Approach to minimise and manage conflict between wildlife and people.

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