© Dave Pape
Russia achieves world leading tiger standards

Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve in Russia’s Far East has become the latest global site to receive Conservation Assured |Tiger Standards (CA|TS) accreditation, the highest accolade in tiger conservation site management a country can achieve.

The award was presented today, when Sikhote-Alin, a World Heritage Site and unique combination of ecosystems in the Primorski Region of Russia’s Far East, celebrates 80 years as a Nature Reserve. The presentation was made by Dr Rajesh Gopal, Secretary General of the Global Tiger Forum (GTF) on behalf of CA|TS.

Russia achieves world leading tiger standards
© S. Sutyrina / Sikhote-Alinsky Reserve


“We congratulate the Russian Federation for achieving the first CA|TS approved site in Russia and the second such site in the world.” - Dr Rajesh Gopal, Secretary General of the Global Tiger Forum (GTF)

CA|TS is the universal tool for monitoring, demonstrating and guaranteeing effectiveness of the management of a tiger site. Developed by the Global Tiger Forum (GTF), WWF, IUCN and WCPA, CA|TS consists of 17 standards by which all tiger sites can be managed and measured. Sites taking part will initially be ‘registered’ (standards not yet attained) then, when all required standards are met, ‘approved’ (standards achieved). Sites are evaluated through an assessment and independent review process.

CA|TS Approved Sites will gain entry to the IUCN Green List of Protected Areas. CA|TS will also assist countries to meet their commitments made under various environmental and wildlife conventions and treaties, for example CBD-Aichi Target achievements, CITES, climate change etc.

Russia achieves world leading tiger standards
© Dave Pape


“CA|TS is essential in the Tx2 goal to double wild tigers by 2022. Russia has shown itself again to be a tiger heavyweight and we urge Southeast Asian tiger countries to follow their lead and prioritise this iconic species.” - Mike Baltzer, Leader of WWF Tigers Alive Initiative

In May, interim results from Russia’s latest tiger census found an increase in numbers to as many as 540 individuals. The full report is expected later this year. Russia is now planning to roll CA|TS out at three further sites in the next six months. The first global CA|TS accredited site was Chitwan National Park in Nepal which was accredited in February this year. Other countries to register and roll out CA|TS include India, Nepal and Bangladesh. Discussions are underway in Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.
