© Jim Jabara / WWF
Chitwan & CA|TS

Chitwan National Park becomes CA|TS accredited

Nepal’s legendary Chitwan National Park has become the first site to be accredited as Conservation Assured Tiger Standard (CA|TS), demonstrating its excellence in tiger conservation and protection.

CA|TS was developed by the Global Tiger Forum (GTF), WWF, IUCN and WCPA and consists of 17 standards by which all tiger sites can be managed and measured.

The certificate was presented on 2nd March 2015 to Kamal Jung Kunwara, Chief Warden of Chitwan National Park, at the closing ceremony of the Symposium: Towards Zero Poaching in Asia. The Symposium was hosted by the Government of Nepal, the only country to date to have achieved zero poaching, and this CA|TS award further demonstrates the country’s commitment towards wildlife protection.

"I would like to congratulate Chitwan National Park and the Nepal Government for becoming the first CA|TS accreditation" - Ghana S. Gurung, Conservation Program Director for WWF Nepal