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Looking back at 2019 we celebrate the upward trend of tiger numbers in India after the completion of the largest ever tiger survey. This success paves the way forward, proving it is possible for large carnivores to survive in a human dominated landscape, provided human-tiger interaction is managed. But in some countries the road to tiger recovery remains fraught with challenges. Further evidence of the extinction wave that is sweeping across much of Southeast Asia was seen in Laos, where a five year study revealed no evidence of tigers in that country. In Malaysia, 2019 marked a turnaround for tigers as the dramatic decline in tiger numbers was only checked by the up scaling of community patrols. There has never been a greater urgency to take action for tigers in Southeast Asia.
As we head into 2020 we have to build on the hard earned gains made to conserve our planet’s most iconic big cat. We are on a mission to ensure they thrive for generations to come.
We’re ready. Are you?