Next Generation
Next Generation
© WWF/Tigers Alive Initiative


Engaging future WWF conservation leaders

The Next Generation event with WWF International President Yolanda Kakabadse was held earlier this week in Sydney. With a huge response from the WWF network, we were ecstatic that one of our own, Rohit Singh, was selected to participate in the event.

Rohit is currently the Enforcement & Capacity Building Specialist in the WWF Tigers Alive Initiative team as well as the president of the Ranger Federation of Asia. He's worked in wildlife conservation across South and Southeast Asia in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and China.

Next Generation gives emerging conservation leaders within the WWF network an opportunity to spend one-on-one mentor-ship time with Yolanda. This years event took place in Lane Cove National Park, Australia which allowed participants to take in the local Australian flora and fauna.