The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
Day 3: Rebecca May from WWF Tigers on Vimeo.
Meet Becci May, the Regional Manager for tigers and Asian species with WWF UK. As part of her job, Becci works closely with the Tigers Alive Initiative and the WWF teams in four tiger landscapes: Amur Heilong (Russia and China), Satpuda Maikal Landscape (India), Western Ghats Nilgiris Landscape (India) and Terai Arc Landscape (Nepal). She also works with TRAFFIC in India and China, as well as providing financial support to the coordinator of the WWF’s rhino and elephant programmes.
On the 2nd of February, Becci attended the Symposium: Towards Zero Poaching in Asia, held in Kathmandu – Nepal and hosted jointly by the WWF and the Nepal Government.
For more information on Becci’s experience at the Symposium please read the blog she wrote documenting the event.
"The Zero Poaching Symposium was a very rare opportunity to get to hear first-hand of the various initiatives being undertaken in different countries towards achieving zero poaching." - Rebecca May, Regional Manager - WWF-UK